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LPPSF expresses support to Italian and Czech trade unions


The Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation (LPPSF) has sent letters of support to trade unions in Italy and the Czech Republic, expressing solidarity with the global protests taking place in those countries.

Workers in both countries will join together in major protests against the governments’ austerity plans to cut salaries and social guarantees.

In Italy, trade unions will join a general strike tomorrow, 17 November. Workers are called for an 8-hour or full-shift strike. The workers will protest against the new Budget Law and the economic and social policies of the Italian government, which have been adopted in defiance of the workers’ voice and the trade unions’ right to a fair social dialogue.

You can show your support to the Italian colleagues by signing the petition by following this link:

Meanwhile, in the Czech Republic, protest demonstrations will be held on 27 November against the Consolidation package presented by the Czech government.

The planned measures are expected to reduce not only the incomes of workers, but also the incomes and social guarantees of all Czech citizens and households, and to have a negative impact on public services, their availability and quality, and to undermine the guarantees of public sector workers and vulnerable groups.

“Leaders must tackle the real cause of inflation by imposing a tax on excess profits and ensuring that workers’ right to collective bargaining is respected and their voices are heard. Workers and citizens in Europe need genuine social dialogue, justice and fair profit-sharing, not austerity measures”, – notes the LPPSF’s letter of support to the Czech trade union confederation OS KOVO.