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Our mission

We represent workers professionally in defending their legitimate interests, contributing to better and safer working conditions and a more sustainable environment.

Our activity

LPPSF provides consulting, mediation, and legal services to it‘s affiliates: our specialists provide consultations on Labor Code and other labor law issues, mediate in collective bargaining with employers, represent workers in labour disputes, and more. 

We also organise trainings, seminars and events for trade union members, participate in national and international projects, protests and solidarity actions.

LPPSF works in partnership with other trade union organizations, employers associations, the State Labour Inspectorate, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, other state and municipal institutions.

Reliability, openness, unity

These three values underpin everything we do.

Main principals

The Federation operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Trade Union Law and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the Conventions of the International Labour Organisation.
Our activities are based on the Statutes and the Code of Ethics.


Our organisation is made up of dozens of trade unions across Lithuania. In turn, LPPSF is affiliate to the largest trade union centre in the country, the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK), as well as to international organisations, such as EPSUPSI and IndustriAll European trade union.

International cooperation

International activity and cooperation with international trade union organizations is one of the main objectives of the Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation.
LPPSF cooperates with trade unions of Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Norway, Poland and other countries.

Representatives of the federation regularly participate in trainings, seminars, conferences organized by international organizations on social dialogue, collective negotiations and other social issues.

The experience, recommendations and tool packages of international organizations are a useful and significant help to our team in developing dialogue with employers, responding to problems and aiming to represent employees as best as possible.

Our history

The LPPSF was established on 17 May 2012 by the merger of the Lithuanian Chemical Industry Workers’ Trade Union Federation and the Lithuanian Energy Workers’ Trade Union Federation. Since then, we have been operating as a continuously evolving organisation.


One of our core values is to be open to change, which is why we participate in both national and international projects.

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