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A letter to the President of Turkey was sent demanding to drop charges against Turkish colleagues


On September 25th, the Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation (LITUF) sent a letter to the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in which LITUF urges the President to take measures so that the Turkish judicial authorities drop all charges against the members of the trade unions of this country, who are subject to house arrest.

The Federation also calls for an end to the persecution of Turkish trade unions and their activists and the restriction of their rights.

In 2021 in May, police raided Turkey’s SES trade union, which represents medical workers. The criminal court then arrested the trade union leaders. The official charge against those arrested was terrorism, but the real reason for this persecution was their trade union activities.

It was only thanks to international pressure that the arrested were released from prison, although some Turkish colleagues are still under house arrest and the charges against them are still valid.

In the letter to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, it is written that the Federation and the entire community of Lithuanian trade unions call to take responsible actions and inform the trade unions about their progress.