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The round table discussion focused on reviewing the completed and planned activities of the international project


On December 16th, 2020, an online roundtable discussion was held for the international project “Improving Social Dialogue in the Industry Sector In Lithuania”. Participants included Jorgen Kaurin, a political advisor from the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions “Fellesforbundet”, Cathrine Ulvøy, an expert on collective bargaining from this trade union, Dalia Jakutavičė, Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation (LPPSF), national project experts Dr. Vida Petrylaitė and sociologist Marius Kalanta from the business association “Versli Lietuva”. The discussion was moderated by the project coordinator, LPPSF Deputy Chairwoman Jurga Subačiūtė-Žemaitienė.

The discussion participants reviewed the project activities that have already been completed, the plan for future activities, and the possible final result of the project.

It was agreed that if the situation in the country stabilizes regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of the next year, it is likely that live meetings with the experts and training on collective bargaining in the regions will be organized as early as the first quarter of 2021.

If the project activities proceed according to the planned schedule, it is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.