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Colleagues from Kazakhstan took a visit to Vilnius


On September 13-14, representatives of the trade union uniting Kazakhstan’s energy workers visited Lithuania.

During the visit, experience was shared, and the challenges of employee representation, collective agreements, and negotiations with employers in both countries were discussed.

There was also a discussion with Inga Ruginiene, the chairperson of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, and the representative of the State Labor Inspectorate, Andrej Bondarenko.

The guests were particularly interested in labor disputes, mechanisms for ensuring the rights of migrant workers, guarantees for workers in the energy sector in Lithuania.

Colleagues from Kazakhstan also visited Trakai and other historical places.

It should be noted that both countries share similar historical trials, challenges in maintaining the nation’s cultural heritage, deportations during the Soviet era.

The Trade Union of Energy Workers of Kazakhstan is also a member of our umbrella organization, EPSU, the European Public Service Union.

This first meeting is expected to become the beginning of further bilateral cooperation.