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A conference was held on challenges of the Tripartite Council


On May 18, an unprecedented event took place in Vilnius – a conference on the challenges of the Trilateral Council – “Effective Trilateral Council – a catalyst for social dialogue”. This was probably the first event of this kind on the activities of the Lithuanian Tripartite Council.

Representatives of employees, employers, the government, the State Labor Inspectorate, and legal experts shared their insights in the conference.

Dalia Jakutavičė, the chairwoman of the Federation of Lithuanian Industry Trade Unions, gave a welcome speech addressed to the participants of the event.

The conference was held within the framework of the “Powerdialogue” project, which is run by the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists, the Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation and the European business organization BusinessEurope.

The main goal of the project is to strengthen the abilities and competencies of social partners, thus enabling them to promote and qualitatively improve social dialogue in Lithuania. The Powerdialogue project is financed by the European Commission under the call “Support for social dialogue (SOCPL-2021-SOC-DIALOG)” of the EC program “Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL)”.

Conference photo gallery.