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A meeting was held in Vilnius with Swedish electricians’ trade union


On 20-21 November, representatives of the Swedish electricians’ trade union “Elektikerna” visited Vilnius and met with representatives of the Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation as well as representatives of Lithuanian companies posting or staffing workers to Sweden.

There was a discussion held on the Swedish model of social dialogue and the rules to be followed by these companies, as well as the rights of posted workers and fair remuneration.

The aim of this cooperation is to protect electricians posted from Lithuania when Lithuanian companies try to circumvent the Swedish labour relations model and violate Lithuanian law.

Although communication with our Swedish colleagues had already taken place before, this was the first face to face meeting where we discussed the peculiarities and gaps in the Swedish-Lithuanian labour relations, as well as the opportunities for cooperation.

Employers were presented with the procedures to be followed by companies posting or staffing workers performing electrical installation work.

Together with the Swedish colleagues, solutions will be sought to protect workers’ rights and ensure Swedish wages for workers posted from Lithuania.